Myopia Management Program

Ideal candidates

At each annual exam, we will be re-evaluating risk factors to determine those children at
risk for pathologic myopic progression.

Some of those factors include:

Progressive myopia-
increase by -0.25D in the last 2 years.

Refractive correction trending outside age norms

Family history where 1 or 2 parents are myopic

Spend over 3 hours a day doing near work (reading, studying, writing)

Spend less than 6 hours a week outdoors

Ideal candidates for starting our programs are:

Enrollment between 8-10 years old

It's a commitment to responsibly wear contacts. Parents know their child's current level of responsibility best.


Goal of myopia management

When someone is myopic, it means that their eye has elongated, causing light rays to focus at a point in front of the retina instead of directly on the surface—resulting in blurred vision. Just like feet get bigger and children get taller, the nearsighted eye tends to get longer over time. Our goal for all myopia management treatments is to slow progression of elongation that leads to the need for higher prescriptions.



NarturalVue and FDA approved Misight both use alternating vision correction and treatment zones to slow progression of myopia.

Both options are soft daily wear lenses that are worn during the day just like a traditional contact lens. The lens designs have peripheral myopic defocus zones that signal no elongation is necessary while maintaining clear vision.


Orthokeratology, or ortho-k, is the use of specially designed and fitted contact lenses to temporarily reshape the cornea to improve vision. It’s like orthodontics for your eyes and the treatment is often compared to dental braces. Ortho-k lenses are worn at night and vision correction is maintained throughout the day. These overnight lenses are rigid, gas-permeable lenses that are sturdy enough to reshape the cornea, but also allow oxygen through so your eye stays healthy.

The lenses work by flattening the center of the cornea, changing how light is bent as it enters the eye. This flattening displaces fluid from the epithelial cells of the central zone to the midperipherial zone. This process creates clear central vision and a peripherial defocus area that is the essential component for control of myopia progression.



Includes fitting fee $300

Monthly payment program available

Insertion and removal training

Lens set with spare set

All follow up appointments

(1 day, 1 week, 3 months, 6 months)

Learn More


Includes fitting fee $300

Monthly payment program available

Insertion and removal training

1 year daily disposable lenses

All follow up appointments

(1 week, 1 month, 6 months)



Includes fitting fee $300

Monthly payment program available

Insertion and removal training

1 year daily disposable lenses

All follow up appointments

(1 week, 1 month, 6 months)




Using current topography measurements and refraction, contacts will be ordered or pulled from our fitting kits.

At the initial fitting, individual insertion and removal training will be provided to your child. Our contact lens specialist will also go over proper contact lens handling and hygiene.

We will then check the fit of the contacts and your child's vision. From there, we will make any modifications to the lenses if necessary.

Follow up appointments

At each followup, your child should arrive to the clinic wearing the contacts.

We will check vision and ensure proper fitting of the contacts. Progression is closely monitored at each visit.

OrthoKeratology lenses require more frequent follow ups and topography scans to determine proper corneal molding for the best visual outcomes.